Adult ESL Beginners – An Introduction to Past Tense
I use this lesson with a mixed ability beginner Adult ESL Class. It is an introduction to the past tense to describe events in the past that are relevant to the students.
I have introduced some commonly used regular and irregular verbs and question and negative forms. It is designed to equip adult ESL students with some basic language to communicate with. It is NOT a comprehensive lesson on the past tense.
The lesson covers a lot of the elementary language:
Reading and understanding simple text about familiar topics.
Past simple tense
Question forms
Everyday vocabulary
Speaking practice –asking and answering questions
Guided writing – writing simple sentences and a short paragraph
Extension writing activity
In this lesson you will get:
a text with comprehension questions
a cloze passage
past tense grammar focus
a vocab activity
2 writing tasks – 1 guided writing task
a speaking/listening activity (pairs )
most activities are multi level
Like all my resources, this lesson is designed specifically for adults. It incorporates language that adults will need to use and situations that are relevant to adult learners.
This resource may include some Australian/UK language and prints to A4 paper
If you loved this resource or you are looking for something a bit easier,
check out my store for my other Adult ESL Beginners Lessons:
Complete Beginners ESL Lesson – My Family and I
Adult Beginners ESL Lesson – Daily Routines (present simple)
Beginners ESL Back to School / Getting to Know You Activities
Adult ESL Beginners – JOBS
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Sold By: Carolyn's Adult ESL Resources
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Subjects | Grammar, Vocabulary, ESL |
Product Type | PDF, PPT, Activities |
Special Days | None |
Options | None |
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