Financial Maths | Calculating Overtime Pay Workbook


Financial Mathematics Lesson 3: Calculating Overtime Pay

This resource includes:

1. Lesson Plan in PowerPoint (Editable).

Teacher can edit the info, the lesson procedure and duration of the

lesson that is suitable with your class. Estimate duration: 40 minutes.

2. Lesson in PowerPoint (Editable and clickable)

Teacher follows the PowerPoint slides for the lesson procedure.

3. Student’s workbook in two styles

4. Solutions


The workbook comes in 2 styles.

– Style 1: Cover, fill in the blank notes, worksheets and Homework

– Style 2: Cover, completed notes, worksheets and Homework

Total pages in each workbook: 12


Easy classroom preparation:

• Just print and staple all pages together to make a workbook.

• Use the PowerPoint slides for the lesson procedure.


Level of Difficulty: Beginner (Easy).

Grades: 9th to 12th


Learning Outcomes:

  • Calculate earnings from wages for various time periods, given an hourly rate of pay, including increased rates for overtime and special rates for Sundays and public holidays.
  • Find the equivalent number of hours worked at normal pay.
  • Read an award or pay scale table and compare pay rates and conditions for different positions.


Skill Focus:

Working mathematically, communicating and reasoning

  • Read an award or pay scale table and compare pay rates and conditions for different positions.


Also comply with Australian Curriculum:

  • Calculate weekly or monthly wage from an annual salary, wages from an hourly rate including situations involving overtime and other allowances and earnings based on commission or piecework (ACMGM002)
  • Convert units of rates occurring in practical situations to solve problems (ACMEM015)


Financial Maths resources:

Financial Maths Lesson 1: Calculating Wages and Salaries

Financial Maths Lesson 2: Comparing Wages and Salaries & Job Advertisements

Financial Maths Lesson 3: Calculating Overtime Pay

Sold By: CAS Take on Maths


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Mathematics, Gifted Students Worksheets, STEM

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