Home Reading Log for Reading Time or Reading Habits – Daily Habit Tracker


These home reading logs can be used in so many ways! Simply set a reading goal with your students or have them decide on one. It could be a goal about minutes spent reading, number of books finished, or using a specific reading skill or habit – something that could reasonably be expected for them to be able to achieve each day (or most days).


Each day they meet their goal, they colour in a square on the reading log board.


It would be good to also set a reward for when they reach the end of the board.


These boards can also be used as a habit tracker for ANY habit…not just reading habits!


What is included

  • 7 different game boards with different fun, colourful backgrounds


They can be used

  • At home
  • At school
  • They can be used for ANY habit at home or school by teachers or parents

Sold By: Ben Lukis


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English, Language Arts, Reading

Product Type

PDF, Homework, Worksheets

Special Days






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