Italian Numbers 0 – 10 Bingo – Tombola – Italian Language


Help your students learn Italian Numbers with these 32 Bingo (Tombola) cards. Quick and easy prep to create a fun and engaging Italian language learning game. Great to play once students are taught Italian Numbers 0 – 10. Use them as a whole class or in small groups with 32 different card options. Print in full colour or a printer friendly black and white option. Includes calling cards and a calling card tracker sheet to help keep track of the numbers called.

The download covers the following topics:

✅ Italian 0- 10 numbers

✅ English to Italian (Call numbers in English for students to find the Italian word)

✅ Italian to English (Call numbers in Italian for students to find them in English)


Included in this resource:

⭐ 32 Colour Bingo Cards– 32 bingo cards with full colour.

⭐ 32 Black & White Bingo Cards– 32 bingo cards in a print friendly black and white option.

⭐ Call cards and call card tracker sheet – make it super easy to keep track of the numbers that have been called.

This download allows for multiple uses:

❤️ Italian group rotation activities

❤️ Whole class activities

❤️ Fast finisher

❤️ Casual teaching resource

❤️ Gifted/extension work

❤️ Assessment


I hope you and your students find this resource fun and helpful in your Italian language learning.


Click here to view a preview of what is included in this resource LMT Italian Bingo Preview

Sold By: Little Miss T


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Languages, Vocabulary

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PDF, Activities

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