Needs Analysis for Adult ESL Beginners


I use this lesson with a mixed ability Beginner Adult ESL class. It is an integrated reading and writing lesson on the topic of language learning needs. The concept of language learning needs is introduced by a short reading text. By using this lesson with your students you will help them to become active language learners as well as learn the language to talk about their studies in general. This will work as a Back to School activity or any other time. It will help you find out more about your students and their needs and expectations.

What’s included?

  • 1 reading text
  • 3 x reading tasks of varying difficulty
  • Vocab related to language learning
  • Extension activities – grammar focus
  • Completing forms
  • Guided writing

This lesson can be used in several ways:

  • with total beginners – supported by a lot of scaffolding by the teacher
  • at the beginning of the year/course to help you learn more about your students

Using a Needs Analysis gives you, the teacher, an insight into what the students need to learn and how they prefer to learn. But more importantly it will help you plan appropriate and relevant lessons specifically for them. Additionally, adult students appreciate that you are taking the time to find out about them and their needs.

A Needs analysis is an important tool for all student centred Adult ESL classes. At beginner level it can be a bit tricky to obtain detailed information but with this highly structured and scaffolded resource you, the teacher, will be able to gain some valuable information about your students. At the same time your students will be learning some useful language and skills.

Like all my resources, this lesson is designed specifically for adults. It incorporates language that adults will need to use and situations that are relevant to adult learners.s resource  includes some Australian/UK language and prints to A4 paper.

If you want to expand on this lesson, I do have a much more difficult Intermediate level, Needs Analysis lesson , in my store. But it is quite a lot more difficult than this one.

Thank you for visiting my store.

Terms of use

This item is for use by you with your students only. If you want to share with other teachers please buy multiple licences. This item is bound by copyright laws . Posting, editing , selling or redistributing this item (or any part of) on the internet is strictly prohibited.


Here are some other beginner resources in my store that you may like:

Complete Beginners ESL Lesson – My Family and I (Present Simple – very easy )

Adult ESL Beginners: Jobs (Present Simple)

Adult Beginners ESL – Daily Routines (Present Simple)

Adult Beginners ESL Speaking and Listening

Adult Beginners ESL Introduction to the Present Continuous


Do you struggle to find appropriate resources for your Adult ESL students? Why not save your time and take advantage of my 30+ years of ESL teaching experiences? Find out how and get your free copy of Speaking and Listening Activities for Adult ESL Beginner students  sent to your  email box when you subscribe to my newsletter.


Sold By: Carolyn's Adult ESL Resources


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Reading, ESL

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PDF, Activities, Teaching Resources

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