READING Passages and Activities about SPORT


This is a set of 10 informational passages on different sports. Tasks include, visualisation, inference, sequence, predicting. Great content to capture reluctant readers, who love sport.

Each passage is accompanied by comprehension questions, activities, vocabulary, a QR code for Safeyoutube footage of an interview with a young player, writing and general response sheets.

Iโ€™ve included lots variety, so teachers can differentiate and choose what is appropriate for each student. Choose different tasks for each text if you wish, to make it interesting and varied. I wouldn’t expect every child to complete every resource. My goal is to cater for all individual needs.

With this resource, you can interest students in comprehension skills: get them thinking and connecting what they are reading to what they already know. Expect them to think and form and justify opinions.

All reading passages are about sport.

I’ve included:

  • Tennis
  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • Netball
  • BMX
  • Surfing
  • Running
  • Cricket
  • Soccer
  • Ice Hockey



Sold By: Aussie Waves


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Language Arts, Reading, Writing (Essay And Creative)

Product Type

PDF, Task Cards, Worksheets

Special Days






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