
Primary School Teacher Job Application Guides | CV + Cover Letter | Key Selection Criteria | Interview


Are you applying for a teaching position? This Bundle has all you need to make the process easier! Be confident that your application and Key Selection Criteria will stand out above the rest and that your interview responses are top notch! This is not only for grads as it covers classroom positions, too!

You will feel prepared and poised to get the job you’ve worked so hard for!

A guide to help you – from writing your Cover Letter and CV to Key Selection Criteria all the way to the Interview – the whole process is covered here!

I have collected and collated information for applying for primary school teacher jobs and interviewing for the position. I hope this resource is helpful for gaining employment as an educator.

This Guide includes:
· Sample Graduate Teacher Cover Letter and CV + Key Selection Criteria Samples
· Sample Classroom Teacher Cover Letter and CV + Keyy Selection Criteria Samples
· Graphic Organisers for reflection on your personal pedagogy
· Tips and Advice for your Interview
· 50+ Primary School Practice Interview Questions
· Outline of the STAR strategy for use in your interviews
· Sample answers to interview questions including key words
· Example ‘Cheat Sheet’ portfolio page

The information included is from my experience interviewing in primary schools in Victoria, Australia both as an interviewee and a panel member. It is beneficial in preparation for an interview to ask someone to set up a ‘mock interview’ for practice in responding to these types of questions.

Sold By: Spark-LE in the Classroom


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